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#1 2011-02-13 20:13:50



Skąd: Rzeszów
Zarejestrowany: 2011-02-02
Posty: 17
Punktów :   

[PL]Deagle Map Manage 3.1 nowa wersja!

Zupełnie nowa wersja DMM "3.1"! W wersji Polskiej!

dmm.amxx wklejamy do addons/amxmodx/plugins
otwieramy addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini i dopisz na końcu dmm.amxx
standardmaps.ini, mapchoice.ini, mapstoban.ini i allmaps.txt wklejamy do addons/amxmodx/configs
deagsmapmanager.txt wklejamy do addons/amxmodx/data/lang/
restartujemy serwer lub zmieniamy mapę i gotowe!
dmap_mapsnum <N> (Specifies how many maps will be in the next vote)
dmap_quietmode <OFF|NOSOUND|SILENT> (Default: OFF)(quiet mode for you people who must have silence on your server
dmap_rtvpercent <n> (Default:60)n must be from 3-100, at least this many players have to "rockthevote"
dmap_rtvplayers <n> (default:1)(n must be from 1 to 32) this many players have to rockthevote for the vote to start. Note both conditions have to be met, #players, and Percent.
dmap_rtvwait <n> (Default: 10) n must be from 5 to 30, this value is minutes before rockthevote will be accepted)
dmap_rtvtoggle (Default:ON. this will toggle on/off the ability of players to rockthevote, Note that Admins with ACCESS_MAP will still be able to use dmap_rockthevote, to manually force a vote)
dmap_banlastmaps <n> (from 0-20) this will allow admins, (like DoubleTap) to eliminate the Dust syndrome.
dmap_freeze (Default for CS: ON. this will toggle on/off freeze (only available in CS)
dmap_status (self-explanatory)
dmap_help (shows very general help)
dmap_messages <N> (Determines interval between display of messages. Default: 3 mintues)
dmap_nominations <N> (Determines maximum nominations that a user can make. Default: 3 maps)
dmap_default (sets all settings back to the default)
dmap_maxcustom <N> Sets maximum custom maps that can be nominated by all players.
dmap_cyclemode (Disables Voting (To restore voting use dmap_votemode)
dmap_votemode (This enables voting, default)
dmap_cancelvote (cancels the rocked vote)
dmap_rockthevote (makes the map vote instantly (rockthevote))
dmap_strict (default 0)
* If this is set to 1, only maps in the mapcycle can be nominated for the vote
enforce_timelimit (default 0)
* changes map STRICTLY on timelimit, when this is set to 1.
emptymap_allowed (default of 0) (Much more stable to disable/enable the feature this way)
* To enable/disable this feature
amx_emptymap (mapname) (default "") (Leaving it blank will Disable this feature also)
* For whatever map you want your server to switch to when nobody is on after reading the staytime cvar
amx_staytime (in seconds) (default 300)
* How long before the plugin changes the map.
amx_idletime (in hours) (default 5)
* How many hours a player can be connected to the server before being considered idle.
nominations_allowed (default 1)
* Enable/Disable Accepting nominations
* On aim maps and small maps, you can enable/disable "Waiting for vote to allow buying of weapons" on fy, aim type of maps


Jestem aktualnie adminem na serwerze CoD


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